
Per Box of 25 cups
Tests for: Cocaine, Marijuana, Opiates300, Amphetamines, Methamphetamines, Benzodiazepine, Barbiturate, Methadone, Ecstasy, Oxycodone, Propoxyphene, Buprenorphine

SKU: DOA-1127-041 Categories: ,

Integrated EZ Split Key 12 Panel Drug Test Cup

  • Tests for 12 Drugs
  • COC | THC | MOP | AMP | mAMP | BZO | BAR | MTD | MDMA | OXY | PPX | BUP
  • Snap top lid
  • No urine exposure
  • Built-in temperature strip on the side
  • Results remain hidden until sticker is removed
  • Ready for immediate transport to any laboratory